
Depriester Chart Bubble Point Spreadsheet
depriester chart bubble point spreadsheet

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depriester chart bubble point spreadsheet

Depriester Chart Bubble Point Spreadsheet How To Build A

Bubble-point and Dew Point Temperatures for multi component mixtures.ISBN 13: 978-0-13-138227-5 ISBN 10: 0-13-138227-6 Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at Courier in Westford, Massachusetts. If you are struggling on how to build a simple bubble chart, look for some inspirations online.values DePriester Charts - Estimation of the fugacity coefficients for the vapor. Use all essential data that you need to illustrate so that you can add them in your project report. Then, now is the right time to build the bubble chart from scratch. Well Fluid Conditions: Specific gravity of water, Oil API or specific gravity, Specific gravity of gas, Bubble-point pressure of gas, Viscosity of oil, PVT data.Step 2: Build the Bubble Chart From Scratch. To obtain permission to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to (201) 236-3290.Static Bottom hole pressure, Datum point, Bottom-hole temperature, Desired production rate, Gas-oil ration, Water cut.

Temperature and pressure) and is the fraction of feed that is vaporised.Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Nomenclature Chapter 1 Introduction to Separation Process Engineering 1.1. This Excel spreadsheet implements an isothermal multicomponent equilibrium. Like the Scatter Charts, Bubble Charts also help display data comparisons on both. However, the Bubble Chart uses bubbles in place of the data points, as its name suggests. In Scatter Charts, we get data points on the plot area to display or visualize values and comparisons.

Flash separator for ethanol and water 2.4.2. Sequential Solution Procedure Example 2-1. Basic Method of Flash Distillation Form and Sources of Equilibrium Data Graphical Representation of Binary VLE Binary Flash Distillation 2.4.1.

Regression of Binary VLE with Excel 2.B.2. Spreadsheets for Flash Distillation 2.B.1. Computer Simulation of Flash DistillationAppendix B. Calculation of drum size Utilizing Existing Flash Drums Summary—Objectives References Homework Appendix A. Simultaneous convergence for flash distillation Three-Phase Flash Calculations Size Calculation Example 2-4. Multicomponent flash distillation Simultaneous Multicomponent Convergence Example 2-3.

Internal Balances Binary Stage-by-Stage Solution Methods Example 4-1. Summary—Objectives References Homework Chapter 4 Column Distillation: Internal Stage-by-Stage Balances 4.1. External balances for binary distillation 3.5. Developing a Distillation Cascade Distillation Equipment Specifications External Column Balances Example 3-1.

Side Streams or Withdrawal Lines 4.9.4. Distillation with two feeds Other Distillation Column Situations 4.9.1. McCabe-Thiele analysis of open steam heating General McCabe-Thiele Analysis Procedure Example 4-5. McCabe-Thiele method Profiles for Binary Distillation Open Steam Heating Example 4-4. Feed line calculations Complete McCabe-Thiele Method Example 4-3.

4.16.Chapter 5 Introduction to Multicomponent Distillation 5.1. Spreadsheets for Binary Distillation73 73 74 79 79 86 88 91 93 95 95 95 101 101 105 109 112 116 121 124 124 127 129 129 134 135 140 140 141 142 143 144 146 148 150 151 153 155 156 158 159 173 1774.10. Computer Simulations for Binary Distillation Appendix B. Stripping and Enriching Columns Limiting Operating Conditions Efficiencies Simulation Problems New Uses for Old Columns Subcooled Reflux and Superheated Boilup Comparisons between Analytical and Graphical Methods Summary—Objectives References Homework Appendix A.

Bubble-Point and Dew-Point Equilibrium Calculations Example 5-2. Profiles for Multicomponent Distillation 5.4. Stage-By-Stage Calculations for Constant Molal Overflow and Constant Relative Volatility 5.3. External mass balances using fractional recoveries 5.2.

Total Reflux: Fenske Equation Example 7-1. Computer Simulations for Multicomponent Column Distillation183 183 186 189 193 198 200 203 203 203 209215 215 217 220 221 221 224 227 229 230 230 230 237 243 243 247 248 252 253 255 257 257 258 265 265 266 266 271 272Chapter 7 Approximate Shortcut Methods for Multicomponent Distillation 7.1. Matrix and bubble-point calculations Energy Balances in Matrix Form Introduction to Naphtali-Sandholm Simultaneous Convergence Method Discussion Summary—Objectives References Homework Appendix. Introduction to Matrix Solution for Multicomponent Distillation Component Mass Balances in Matrix Form Initial Guesses for Flow Rates and Temperatures Temperature Convergence Example 6-1. Spreadsheet Calculations for Ternary Distillation with Constant Relative Volatility Chapter 6 Exact Calculation Procedures for Multicomponent Distillation 6.1. Summary—Objectives References Homework Appendix.

Binary Heterogeneous Azeotropes 8.2.2. Breaking Azeotropes with Other Separators Binary Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation Processes 8.2.1. Gilliland correlation Summary—Objectives References HomeworkChapter 8 Introduction to Complex Distillation Methods 8.1. Underwood equations Gilliland Correlation for Number of Stages at Finite Reflux Ratio Example 7-3.

Simulation of Complex Distillation Systems275 277 279 281 281 285 287 290 296 300 303 304 305 321 329 331 332 334 336 337 340 340 341 344 344 346 347 347 357 357 360 362 365 369 370 374 376 378 383 386 388 388 390 392 397Chapter 9 Batch Distillation 9.1. Development of distillation and residue curves for constant relative volatility Extractive Distillation Azeotropic Distillation with Added Solvent Distillation with Chemical Reaction Summary—Objectives References Homework Appendix. Residue Curves Example 8-3. Distillation Curves 8.5.2. Two-Pressure Distillation Processes Complex Ternary Distillation Systems 8.5.1. Drying benzene by distillationSteam Distillation Example 8-2.

Batch Steam Distillation 9.5. Constant-Level Batch Distillation 9.4. Simple Rayleigh distillation 9.3. Simple Binary Batch Distillation Example 9-1.

depriester chart bubble point spreadsheetdepriester chart bubble point spreadsheet

Tray And Downcomer Design with Computer Simulator Chapter 11 Economics and Energy Conservation in Distillation 11.1. Summary—Objectives References Homework Appendix. Choice of Column Type 10.13. Economic Trade-Offs for Packed Columns 10.12.

Cost estimate for distillation Changes in Plant Operating Rates Energy Conservation in Distillation Synthesis of Column Sequences for Almost Ideal Multicomponent Distillation Example 11-2.

depriester chart bubble point spreadsheet